Saturday, August 6, 2011

Party by Pinterest

Are any of you as addicted to Pinterest as I am? Recently inspired by all the pinners with much better style than yours truly, I was having a helluva time narrowing down all the pins I wanted to try! How would I find the time to attempt all of the pinteresting pins that were pinspiring me?  And who would I share all my Pinterest interests with?

So I came up with an awesome solution. Throw a party! The Hubs could hardly hide his eye-rolling and sighing at my surprisingly expensive Pinning Spree. "But honey, it's a bunch of DIY yourself projects! It SAVES money!" I said, attempting to justify the large pile of Micheal's shopping bags I lugged into the kitchen and reminded him, for the fortieth time, that I needed him to go pick three dozen oranges out of our tree and blow up the blue pool floaties while I made orange and aqua cake stands out of wooden candlesticks.

But when I walked into the backyard to greet our guests with a tray of orange slice jello shots (like these), The Hubs had to admit that it was the best party we've ever thrown. Pinterest, FTW.

{ Beauchampions' World Famous Liberating Liberty Lemonade }

{ Sno-Cone Station! }

{ A fresh spin on the waffle cone }

{  Dessert buffet in our summery orange & aqua color scheme }

{ With bevvies to match! }
In true me style, I was having far too much fun in the pool with our besties to take any pics but you get the gist. I did snap one at the very of the night, as our dear friend Dave (of the crazy talented David & Devine) showed me just what a huge hit my dessert buffet was.

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