Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Craftin'

In case you didn't notice, we're in a recession. I know. It's crazy, huh?

Since The Hubs and I are on a budget this Christmas season (and really, who isn't?), I'm going back to my crafting roots and spreading holiday cheer with homemade gifts made with lots and lots love. And I gotta tell y'all...I'm having SO. MUCH. FUN!!!!

Before I could begin, I had to tackle a project I've been dreading for more than 4 years.

I inherited all of my grandmother's jewelry making supplies (including THOUSANDS of packets of vintage glass seed beads from the 40s, 50s, and 60s...my FAVORITE!) but had yet to organize the countless boxes of goodies out of utter fear. How on earth does one go about sorting millions and millions of tiny little beads into some semblance of order without going crazy? Or blind?

One long night, a bottle of wine, and a Real Housewives marathon! That's how! Now many of the awesome ladies in our lives will be gifted with one-of-a-kind accessories this holiday season!

First prototype!

While decorating our home for Christmas, I was struck with a depressing realization. There is not nearly enough glitter in our box of decorations!

My "green" solution? Transform this toppling tower of old mags into some serious bling!


Happy Holidays, everyone!! If crafting isn't for you, maybe you can wow your loved ones with this instead:  Best Christmas Dinner Idea Ever. Unless You're a Vegetarian.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Mia Pia's Pie Shop

Y'all know how much I love to bake. It's pretty much my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world. Which is why every holiday season, I go completely and absolutely bananas in the kitchen for a solid month straight.  Thanksgiving is always my starting line and I usually go straight to the New Year. First up for Baking Blitz 2010...PIE!

Perfect, pleasing, pleasant PIES! Being this year's designated dessert provider for Turkey Fest at the Nicastro-Nale household, I took my job very seriously. A little too seriously. Two nights. One tortured husband. Six pies. Ten fat and happy family members.

First of all, pie fixin's ain't cheap! I've always been taught that store-bought ANYTHING is ALWAYS more expensive than doing it yourself. Psssshhhhh... Grand total for all the necessary supplies? $92.36. Yowza. If I ever do decide to open my own pie shop, I'm gonna need to charge $50 a pie to break even!

I've made pies in years past but I'd never attempted my own crust. Feeling brave, I went to the first person I thought of that would be sure to get the buttery-goodness just right. Paula Deen. Not since Julia Child have I seen anyone cook with more butter and fat. No wonder her food is delicious. After watching a couple of videos and relishing in her good ol' Southern Comfort, I felt brave.

Brave enough to not only try to make my first crust but to make said crust for a berry pie. I've never made a berry pie. So, to make ensure that I was completely out of my element, I settled on a pie that needed TWO types of berries.

How pretty are these berries? I almost just stopped here and ate the whole bowl of fresh wholesome goodness. Then I remembered that I spent $28 (!!!) on them and I wasn't about to disappoint my Uncle Vinnie, who loves him some berry pie.

Paula Deen steered me sooo right on my crust (flaky, buttery, and perfect!) and I was filled with so much confidence after mastering the perfect dough to ice water ratio that I got fancy on this pie's ass.


I was so excited when my berry masterpiece came out of the oven perfectly golden and bubbly, that I actually got teary. The moment The Hubs walked in from a gig, I squealed, "Look at it! Look at it! Isn't it PUUURRRFECT?!?!?"

"Wow, babe! Can I eat it?"


Next up, my old tried and true pecan and pumpkin pies. I mastered both recipes last year and couldn't wait to improve them with my kick-ass new crust. My dear old dad's all-time favorite is pecan pie and he had yet to try mine. I was so excited for him to finally test it out this year!

 The Hubs loves pecan as well and as I baked each one of three of them, he repeated "Can I eat some yet?"

"NO! But doesn't it look delicious?"

"YES!!! Soooo...can I eat some yet?


The Hubs isn't a huge fan of pumpkin pie which means each year there's enough leftover for Mom and I to indulge in our pie for breakfast tradition. This year was no exception. I made so much pumpkin pie filling, there was enough extra to fill one of Grandma's vintage baking dishes. I'll be serving that over ice cream tonight. Nom!

Even though he's not a pumpkin eater, when these bad boys came out of the oven The Hubs said, "That actually looks good. Can I eat some?"


Thursday afternoon rolled around and The Hubs and I walked in my parents' house carrying a giant box of pies. There was much oohing, aahing, and drooling over my creations and I wanted to dance on the roof I was so excited. I love turkey dinner, but I COULD. NOT. WAIT. for them all to finish and move on to PIE!

I'm please to report that the pecan pie got a Poppy Grade A Seal of Approval. Mom proclaimed that I should open "Mia Pia Pie's Shop." And After Uncle Jim ate all three, he moaned, "I'm gonna be sick."

When you can make Uncle Jim sick, you've kicked some serious kitchen ass.

There may not have been yams this year. But there was pie. And The Hubs finally got some.


25 Days of Thanks

One of my dearest friends has been keeping a "20 Days of Thanks" online photo journal this month. As she so often does, she's inspired me.

So I'm ripping her off. In blog form.

This year, I’m thankful for...

Beauchampion Wedding
1. My unbelievably sweet and kind (and sex-zay!) husband, Todd. When we met almost 5 years ago, we were each thrilled to meet someone else avoiding commitment like the Black Plague. As much as we both loved hanging out with no strings attached and with the freedom to see whomever we wanted, neither of us ever dated another person again after the night we met. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime, best friend and other half. He’s been my absolute knight in shining armor and isn’t afraid to call me on my crap. And not only does he call me on said crap, but then gently and sweetly helps me overcome it without ever losing patience. Hubs, I’m thankful every day that you made me Mrs. Beauchamp-ion. Best move we ever made. Until we move to Thailand, anyway.

2. My incredible circle of friends. I am so blessed to have a group of people around me that love me for me, and vice versa. They come from all walks of life, from all religions (or lack thereof) and from all over the world. Each one has made my life richer simply by being in their very presence. Their talents and gifts make me want to be a better person. I wish I could list every single one of them, but knowing my penchant for forgetfulness, I’d inevitably forget one and I’d hate to offend. So friends, thank you. You know who are. Old, new, and lost friends, I hope you all know how much I love you.

3. My hilarious and rewarding career. Growing up, I never would have imagined that I would work with a company that specializes in science education enrichment. I went to my college bio class a total of 3 times. Now, after 2.5 years with Mad Science, I can’t imagine a better fitting job for me. I get to help children LEARN (without ever really having to deal with them. Those that know me, know what an amazing combo that is.). I get to inspire teachers to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I get to WRITE HILARIOUS CAMP SONGS (Who knew how valuable my camp counselor background would prove to be?). I get to MAKE SLIME!! And I get to work alongside some of the coolest cats Los Angeles has to offer, getting kids excited about science and hopefully encouraging them to become brilliant scientists that will fix our planet and clean up the giant mess we've left them. To my office staff, parents, students, and fabulously fantastic scientists, I’m thankful for you and for the laughter you bring into my life every day. MAD SCIENCE HOOYAH!

4. My beautiful family. We may not be perfect, we may not be able to see each other as often as we’d all like, we may not always see eye-to-eye, and we may not always have the answers, but HOT DAMN do we all know how to have a good time! My family (the whole, blended lot of them) have ALL contributed in making me the woman I am today and in the woman I continue to become. They’re a silly, loud, supportive bunch and each person makes up a little piece of me. I would be lost without them. Each one of us falls down from time to time, and it’s awe-inspiring to think of all the times and ways we’ve banded together to pick us back up. So, Nicastro-Nale-Beauchamp-Flores-Mainland-Toovey-Jackson-Humphries-Sanford-Turner-Infausto-Hart family, I love you and am forever thankful for every one of you.

5. Art! Arty, arty, art pants, artiness, art-tastic ART! Art of all kinds! I paint. He makes music. I write. He writes. We make things. We sing. We dance. I cook. He eats. We make glorious, beautiful, wondrous, inspiring, sometimes great, usually good, and often bad art and we adore seeing others do the same. It makes our lives whole.

You should see the other guy!
6. Our Toby. Y'all know The Hubs and I don't want kids, but our adorable feline is absolutely the next best thing. Nothing can lift my mood like our cross-eyed kitty who always forgets to put his tongue back in his mouth. I'm even thankful for the "presents" he has a tendency to surprise me with. In bed. First thing in the morning. He's not the smartest cat, but he's the best.

7. Our home. This June, we moved into a house that we still can't believe we're lucky enough to live in. It's perfectly "us" and I love every day that I get to spend making it ours. Funny enough, I'm thankful for any house we've lived in and will in the future. Because wherever The Hubs and I are together, it's home.

Halloween 1985
8. My past. I've done things I'm not proud of. I've done things I am. I've had my heart broken and I've broken my own share. I've learned lessons the hard way and I wouldn't have it any other way. Without my past, even the ugly, ugly,ugly parts, I wouldn't be me. Thanks, Past Andrea, for getting me here.

9. My future. It's so bright, I gotta wear shades. No matter what it holds and no matter what happens, I'll be alive. And that's awesome.

10. My health. Could it be better? Certainly. Could it be worse? Hell, yes. I'm thankful it's not. I'm equally thankful that I have the resources myself to improve anything that needs fixin'. Too many people don't have the power or tools to care for themselves or hurt and sick loved ones. If you're reading this, you're alive. Be grateful and take this opportunity to live your life and instill CHANGE.

11. The Food Network. I'm a budding domestic diva. I'm still not quite sure when I transitioned from the girl who couldn't understand why an electric oven doesn't have flame to the woman who lives for hosting dinner parties, but I like it. And without the Food Network, The Hubs and our friends would be subjected to Past Andrea's raw-while-burned rosemary chicken. Instead, they now get to be my guinea pigs when I attempt, and MASTER, the perfect garlic shrimp risotto.

12. My iPhone. It's captured priceless memories, gotten me un-lost in Montreal, toned my Scrabble muscle, directed me to my new favorite restaurant, and even been an integral part of my fitness plan. And it makes phone calls. Cool.

13. Chocolate. 'Nuff said.

14. Pandora. For the past week, I've been driving The Hubs INSANE with my beloved new Showtunes and Christmas stations. He once made me a CD that was nothing but Terrence Trent D' Arby's "Wishing Well" on repeat. I'm thankful that internet radio has finally given me a way to get revenge.

15. Cheese. Of all kinds. Nom.

16. Femininity. I'm a girl's girl to the fullest. I adore anything sparkly, pink, bedazzled and/or adorned with feathers and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Indulging in my inner princess makes me feel giddy and carefree. When things are gloomy, making potpourri sachets out of old stocking IS soothing, dammit! I love all things woman and am thankful to be one. I've got curves, mad homemaking skills, smarts, boobs, and opinions. I am woman. Roar.

17. My black fold-over waist, flared-leg yoga pants. They're perfectly broken in and perfectly soft. Given a choice, I'd wear nothing but them forever. And they make my ass look goooood.

18. My right to vote.

Lamai, Koh Samui, Thailand
19. Travel! Recently The Hubs and I shared a bottle of wine and tried to come up with the Top 10 best vacations we'd ever taken. Two hours of "Remember when we were in _____ and ______ happened?" later, we both had the same realization. We've traveled enough together to even HAVE a Top 10 list! How cool is that?!? Still, we don't get the chance to leave home nearly enough. If it weren't completely impractical, we'd sell everything we own and live the rest of our days as perpetual tourists. Until we get too old and cantankerous to constantly deal with the TSA. Then we'll retire in Thailand.

20. Our honeymoon. Sure, that could technically go under #19 but that month was so magical, it deserves its own notch on this Thanksgiving bedpost. Our Thailand trip was the most incredible 4 weeks of my entire life and every day since then has paled in comparison. I fell in love with the Land of Smiles and am determined to go back again. And again. And again.

21. Beverly Hills 90210 reruns on my DVR. Don't judge me. If you ARE making fun of me to yourself (and really, you know you are), just think of this. No matter how bad things may seem in your own life, you will never be as bad an actress as Tori Spelling. And you'll never have to choose between Brandon and Dylan. See? Don't you feel better? Thank you, Peach Pit gang, for always reminding me that things could be worse.

22. My record player. This also can be related to #1 since The Hubs is the absolute perfect man who knew I wanted nothing more for my last birthday. Not only does my cherished cherry Crosley make music sound like it always should, but it affords me the opportunity to listen to tunes I would otherwise NEVER get to listen to. I've never found Doris Day's "A Guy is a Guy" or Dionne Warwick's "Greatest Movie Hits" in a record store or online but a dusty thrift shop in Morro Bay has gems the owner doesn't realize she's got.

23. Things that smell green. Yes, I can "smell" color. I can also "taste" it. People tell me that it's weird. I say it's weird if you can't. I love being outside and inhaling GREEN. Trees, flowers, grass, shamrocks, citrus, farmer's markets (OMG, I LOVE FARMER'S MARKETS!!!), the brewery near my office...I love it all. It ain't easy being green, but it sure smells nice.

24. Thanksgiving. I wish I remembered to count my blessings every day but the truth is I don't. This time of year is like a forced reality check and I'm so grateful for that. I feel the same way about Valentine's Day and all the other holidays many people argue are nothing more than Hallmark's forced mass consumerism. I argue that the holidays are a gentle reminder of how we should behave year round.

25. YOU.