Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions Are for Suckas

Happy 2011!!!!

I've never been a big fan of making New Year's resolutions. Mostly because I never, ever keep them. Instead, I have a list of things I'm hoping to accomplish this year. Some big, some small, some silly, all awesome. Let's see how many I can cross off this list in the next 364 1/2 days!
  1. I quit smoking exactly 29 days ago. Let's not start up again, hmmm?
  2. Build doors for my awesome shoe shelving unit. Gotta protect the goods!
  3. Have an art show.
  4. Make salted caramels.
  5. Lose some pounds. And keep them off.
  6. Open an Etsy shoppe.
  7. Sell 10 paintings.
  8. Read Lady Chatterly's Lover. I can't believe I haven't done that yet.
  9. Plant flowers in our yard in time for spring.
  10. Learn to turn on the fireplace by myself.
  11. Get a new, grownup bed!!!!
  12. Workout 4 times a week. No ifs, ands, or big butts.
  13. Get the finishing touches put on my tattoo.
  14. Dye my hair Jessica Rabbit red. Immediately dye back if it looks ridiculous.
  15. Host more dinner parties!
  16. Start a book club.
  17. Spend more time with my ladies.
  18. Learn to sew.
  19. Revamp the dresses I had custom made in Thailand last year.
  20. Go to Disneyland with The Hubs. Can't believe I haven't done that yet, either.
  21. Make grapefruit-infused vodka with fruit from our tree.
  22. Finally print our wedding pictures. (Bad bride!!)
  23. Master the perfect croque monsieur for The Hubs.
  24. Stop making other people's problems my own. (Yes, I know that sounds resolution-y but I don't care. It's important I do it.)
  25. Complete my dining room photo wall project.
  26. Make gnocchi from scratch.
  27. Use my camera to take pictures, instead of as a paperweight.
  28. Get Toby a brother?? (still undecided on this one, but 94.2% sure I wanna add to our awesome family)
  29. Romantic weekend in San Diego with a stay at the Westgate and a trip the Hash House for a Bacon Bloody Mary.
  30. Finally take some cooking classes with my bestie, Yvette. 
  31. Start the children's book series I've had percolating for a while.
So there ya have it! I'll amend the list as necessary throughout the year and keep a cool list thingy on a sidebar to keep you posted on my progress!

Happy New Year!

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