I know, I know, I know. I TOTALLY broke
my promise to blog every day. In fact, I took almost a month off. Blame a combination of work insanity, spring cleaning madness, out of town guests, vacay with The Hubs, and a heaping dose of big-fat-didn't-wanna. I'll spare you all the details as to WHY I'm such a failure at follow through but I'll say this: I suck at it. There. I said it.
Soooo, I'm hoping my latest obsession will help alleviate that a bit. You know how you find all kinds of great ideas in mags, online, and from fellow bloggers and you just CAN'T WAIT to try that new recipe, hairstyle, flea market, organization tip, or DIY t-shirt pom pom decorations for your upcoming pool party? But then when you finally have time to attempt your newest project, you've forgotten where you found it? Or placed it? Yeah, me too. You need a bulletin board. Oh, you have one? Yeah, me too. And it's full already and looks messy and keeps falling off the wall? Yeah, me too.
Future Noms |
Pinterest. A kick-ass digital bulletin board that lets you keep, categorize, and share all of your amazing ideas - and all those amazing ideas other people have that you want to steal. I could go on for days about how freaking awesome this latest social networking site is (I know, like I needed another one, right?), or you could just check it out for yourself. Just make sure you're okay to lose at least five hours of your life (as I did) once you fall head over heels in love.
Future Barbie Dream Home |
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Pinterest member, send me your email addy and I'll send you an invite!