Tuesday, February 28, 2012

TV Dinners: Rachael Ray's Fettuccine Primavera

Veggies, y'all. Veggies are super good for you. Good for your guts. Good for your taste buds. Good for when you're thinking that you should add more veggies and healthish stuff to your life. Since you're life's changing so much. Which isn't scary at all. Nope. No, siree. Not one bit terrifying or overwhelming. Like veggies. Not scary. Not scary at all.

So Rachael Ray, let's talk about veggies. Veggies in pasta. Let's talk about the yummy and healthy looking Fettuccine Primavera you whipped up on 30 Minute Meals. Let's chop and peel lots and lots of pretty produce to keep our minds off the nagging doubts and excited questions. Let's cook veggies. Healthy. Not scary.

Also, let's drink wine while we chop veggies. Not scary. Okay, a little scary so let's only sip the wine. Then let's thank Rachael for including wine in the recipe.

Veggies are pretty. Not scary. Not like change. Change is scary. Healthy carrots and zucchini are not scary. Peas are not scary. Easy peasey.

Boiling water. Natural. Familiar. Easy. Not scary. Add pasta. Calm and cool. Stir it around. Stone cold chillin'.

Add veggies to boiling water. Okay. Kinda weird. Just boil 'em? Boiled veggies. Huh. Still, not scary. Definitely not scary.

Saute up some EVOO (that's Rachaelese for extra virgin olive oil), butter, shallots, garlic, peas, wine, and stock. Not scary. Not like drastic career change and moving OVER THE HILL scary. Not like that. Nope.

 Mix it all together. Decide it's too boring and that's scary. Add grilled chicken.

Lessons learned? Veggies are not scary. Boring pasta is a little scary but easily remedied with leftover grilled chicken. Rachael Ray's Fettuccine Primavera really does only take an easy 30 minutes to make and is totally not scary. Facing giant life changes as 31 is lurking right 'round the corner is SUPER scary. Veggies, and wine, are good when things are scary.

Lady B’s Final Say So:

  • Ease Factor: 5 out of 5 noms
  • Taste Test: 3 out of 5 noms (would have been less without the chicken)
  • Truth in Advertising: 4 out of 5 noms
  • The Hubs’  Vote: 2 out of 5 noms ("But I'm giving one of those points cuz of the chicken. This is boring. Solid. But boring.")
  • Yeah, but is it pretty?: 3.5 out of 5 noms
  • Overall: Meh. It's easy and healthy. But almost scary boring.

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