I've never been a big fan of making New Year's resolutions. Mostly because I never, ever keep them. Instead, I have a list of things I'm hoping to accomplish this year. Some big, some small, some silly, all awesome. Let's see how many I can cross off this list in the next 364 1/2 days!
- I quit smoking exactly 29 days ago. Let's not start up again, hmmm?
- Build doors for my awesome shoe shelving unit. Gotta protect the goods!
- Have an art show.
- Make salted caramels.
- Lose some pounds. And keep them off.
- Open an Etsy shoppe.
- Sell 10 paintings.
- Read Lady Chatterly's Lover. I can't believe I haven't done that yet.
- Plant flowers in our yard in time for spring.
- Learn to turn on the fireplace by myself.
- Get a new, grownup bed!!!!
- Workout 4 times a week. No ifs, ands, or big butts.
- Get the finishing touches put on my tattoo.
- Dye my hair Jessica Rabbit red. Immediately dye back if it looks ridiculous.
- Host more dinner parties!
- Start a book club.
- Spend more time with my ladies.
- Learn to sew.
- Revamp the dresses I had custom made in Thailand last year.
- Go to Disneyland with The Hubs. Can't believe I haven't done that yet, either.
- Make grapefruit-infused vodka with fruit from our tree.
- Finally print our wedding pictures. (Bad bride!!)
- Master the perfect croque monsieur for The Hubs.
- Stop making other people's problems my own. (Yes, I know that sounds resolution-y but I don't care. It's important I do it.)
- Complete my dining room photo wall project.
- Make gnocchi from scratch.
- Use my camera to take pictures, instead of as a paperweight.
- Get Toby a brother?? (still undecided on this one, but 94.2% sure I wanna add to our awesome family)
- Romantic weekend in San Diego with a stay at the Westgate and a trip the Hash House for a Bacon Bloody Mary.
- Finally take some cooking classes with my bestie, Yvette.
- Start the children's book series I've had percolating for a while.

Happy New Year!
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